Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

Berbak National Park

Berbak National Park is a nature conservation area for the conservation of the largest swamp forests in Southeast Asia are unspoiled by human exploitation. Uniqueness of an interesting combination of peat swamp forest and freshwater swamp forests, widespread on the eastern coast of Sumatra.
Plant species in national parks such as meranti (Shorea sp.), And various species of palm. Berbak National Park has the most famous species of palm plants in Indonesia. Ornamental palm species that are rare among other types of leaf umbrella (Johanesteijmannia altifrons) and the newly discovered species is Lepidonia kingii (Lorantaceae) a large flower with red / purple.
Hundreds if not thousands of migratory birds can be seen in this park, which can lead to admiration when the birds fly in groups.
The entrance to the Western part of this national park reached by canoeing rivers in the Black Water. In the so-called Black Water because the water was as black as the color of coffee. At the time of low tide, animal droppings, leaf litter and other mangrove forests of the river water was brought to the Batang River and continues into the sea.
Berbak National Park is not only protected nationally, but internationally as well established as the Wetlands International RAMSAR Convention in 1992.
Some sites / attractions to visit:
In the Black Water. Scour the river and saw witnessed the life of plants / animals. Black water is the habitat of the Sumatran tiger.
Simpangkubu. Research or exploring the forest, observing animals and plants.
Black Sea water. Research or exploring the forest, observing animals and plants.
Cultural attractions outside the park: Cultural Parade in April on the River-Estuary Batanghari Bulian, Jambi.
The best visiting season: March until November each year.
How to reach the location: From the Jambi river canoeing Batanghari by speed boat scour the river turn right in Black Air for 2.5 - 3 hours, or directly to the Nipah length for 4-5 hours. The length of the Nipah proceed to the village of Black Sea water for 5-8 hours through the South China Sea (Air travel to the Black Sea have to see weather the waves of the famous South China Sea malignant).

Twelve Hill National Park

National Park is one of the Twelve Hills area of ​​lowland tropical rain forest in Jambi Province. Originally this area is an area of ​​permanent production forest, limited production and use of other areas that were merged into a national park. Remaining natural forests located in the northern part of this national park, while others are secondary forests.
Plant species that exist among others Bulian (Eusideroxylon zwageri), meranti (Shorea sp.), Menggeris/kempas (Koompassia excelsa), jelutung (Dyera costulata), jernang (Daemonorops Draco), damar (Agathis sp.), And rattan (Calamus sp.). There are approximately 120 species of plants, including fungi that can be developed as a medicinal plant.
This national park is the habitat of rare and protected species such as gibbon (Hylobates syndactylus syndactylus), monkey (Macaca nemestrina), clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi nebulosa), deer (Tragulus kanchil javanicus), sun bear (Helarctos malayanus malayanus), deer (Muntiacus muntjak Montanus), meow congkok (Prionailurus sumatrana bengalensis), Sumatra lutra (Lutra sumatrana), ajag (Cuon alpinus sumatrensis) Sumatran rabbit (Nesolagus netscheri), Bido snake eagle (Spilornis cheela malayensis), and others.
The number of rivers and creeks are very much of it comes from within this region (shown on the map as the root fibers), so that this region is the most important water catchment area for the Batang Hari River Basin.
Topography of this park is flat to undulating, with hills/mountains like Mount Suban, River Punai (± 164 m. Asl), Mount Roast (± 328 m. Asl), and Hill Kuran (± 438 m. Above sea level).
In the indigenous tribes Child (The Jungle) have inhabited the forests of National Park Bukit Duabelas for decades. In a tribe called the Son of the forests in the National Park as an area of ​​Bukit Twelve wanderings; where they interact with nature, each other, nurture each other and support each other. To meet the necessities of life, tribal children doing activities in pig hunting, fishing, looking for honey, and tapping rubber for sale.
Some sites/attractions to visit: National Park Bukit Twelve newly designated as national parks, so that the relative has been no facility for visitors.
The best visiting season: June to until October each year.
How to reach the site: How to reach the location: From Edinburgh to Pauh (by bus) pass through the Estuary Bulian about 3 hours, from vehicles to the charters continued Pauh Lubuk Jering and Pematang Kabau about 2 hours.

Senin, 09 Juli 2012

Bukit Tigapuluh National Park

Bukit Tigapuluh National Park is a hilly area in the middle stretch of the eastern lowlands of Sumatra, and has the potential diversity of plant species / species endemic to a value high enough.
Forest ecosystem types making up the National Park Bukit Tigapuluh is lowland forest, forests and upland forests pamah with the type of flora such as jelutung (Dyera costulata), red gum (Palaquium spp.), Pulai (Alstonia scholaris), kempas (Koompassia excelsa), fringe (Shorea spp.), fungus face Rimau/Raflesia (Rafflesia hasseltii), jernang or dragon's blood palm (Daemonorops Draco), and various species of rattan.
Bukit Tigapuluh National Park has 59 species of mammals, 6 species of primates, 151 species of birds, 18 species of bats, and various species of butterflies.
Besides the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), tapir (Tapirus indicus), agile gibbon (Hylobates agilis), sun bear (Helarctos malayanus malayanus), sempidan blue (Lophura ignita), pheasants (Argusianus argus argus) and others; also as the protection of hydro-orologis Watershed Indragiri Kuantan.
Initially the National Park Bukit Tigapuluh is protected forest and limited production forest. However, the condition of the forest park is relatively unspoiled.
Communities surrounding the Bukit Tigapuluh Park consists of several tribes with traditions and culture that is relatively still very traditional Tribal Child Within, Talang Mamak tribe and others. Society is particularly Talang Mamak tribe, believed that the existing dunes and vegetation in the park has a magical power in their lives. Indirectly they take active part in maintaining and protecting the dunes / vegetation in national parks.
Forest ecosystem types making up the National Park Bukit Tigapuluh is lowland forest, forests and upland forests pamah with the type of flora such as jelutung (Dyera costulata), red gum (Palaquium spp.), Pulai (Alstonia scholaris), kempas (Koompassia excelsa), fringe (Shorea spp.), fungus face Rimau/Raflesia (Rafflesia hasseltii), jernang or dragon's blood palm (Daemonorops Draco), and various species of rattan.
Bukit Tigapuluh National Park has 59 species of mammals, 6 species of primates, 151 species of birds, 18 species of bats, and various species of butterflies.
Besides the Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), tapir (Tapirus indicus), agile gibbon (Hylobates agilis), sun bear (Helarctos malayanus malayanus), sempidan blue (Lophura ignita), pheasants (Argusianus argus argus) and others; also as the protection of hydro-orologis Watershed Indragiri Kuantan.
Initially the National Park Bukit Tigapuluh is protected forest and limited production forest. However, the condition of the forest park is relatively unspoiled.
Communities surrounding the Bukit Tigapuluh Park consists of several tribes with traditions and culture that is relatively still very traditional Tribal Child Within, Talang Mamak tribe and others. Society is particularly Talang Mamak tribe, believed that the existing dunes and vegetation in the park has a magical power in their lives. Indirectly they take active part in maintaining and protecting the dunes / vegetation in national parks.

Some sites/attractions to visit:
In the Black Water. Scour the river and saw witnessed the life of plants / animals. Black water is the habitat of the Sumatran tiger.
Tembelung smoky. See panorama of waterfalls, bathing and plant observation.
Itching Belipat Stone and Stone. Week of culture. White-water rafting. Rafting can be done in the River Gangsal, Menggatai River, and River Sipang.
Kemantan. Week of culture, to look at religious ceremonies Talang Mamak tribe.
Cultural attractions outside the park: Cultural attractions outside the Park is Siak Bermandah in June and Runway Strip in August in Riau.
The best visiting season: March/July each year.
How to reach the location:
Pakanbaru - Siberida, 285 km (± 4 hours) by car and next to the site via the former concessionaires.

Kerinci Seblat National Park

Kerinci Seblat National Park is a representative type of lowland rain forest ecosystems to sub-alpine ecosystems as well as some unique ecosystems such as peat bogs, freshwater marshes and lakes.
Forests of Kerinci Seblat National Park has 4,000 plant species which are dominated by the Dipterocarpaceae family. Rare and endemic plants like the Kerinci pine (Pinus merkusii Kerinci strain), wood leech (Harpulia Alborea), Raflesia flower (Rafflesia arnoldi and R. hasseltii), and the corpse flower (Amorphophallus titanum and A. déçus-silvae).
Kerinci Seblat National Park has 37 species of mammals, 10 species of reptiles, six species of amphibian, 8 species of primates and 139 bird species.
Another potential interest of visitors in national parks, such as the hornbill bird observations (Buceros sumatranus rhinoceros) and the looming (Aceros undulatus undulatus) and the laughter of hysteria stunning ivory birds (Rhinoplax vigil); the golden cat (Catopuma temminckii temminckii) very mysterious, and the existence of unsolved mysteries about the kind of primate species that walked upright and quickly disappeared among the trees, where the local people call it "short people".

Kerinci Seblat National Park has become an integrated conservation and development program (Integrated Conservation Development Program - ICDP).

Some sites/attractions to visit:
Mount Kerinci. Mountain climbing and camping. Mount Kerinci (3805 m. Asl) is the highest volcano in Indonesia and is still active.
Seven mountain lakes. See panorama of the lake, and wildlife observation. Seven Lakes Mountain is the highest volcanic lake in Sumatra (2,000 m. Above sea level) of 1,000 ha which is surrounded by seven mountains.
Sleek and Kasah marl caves. Seeing the cave complex that is rich in stalactites and stalaknit
Grao Solar, Nguak and Turmeric. Seeing jets of hot water (the water is very clear) as high as 15 meters and observing animals.
Letter W. Seeing Raflesia flowers and dead flowers, and the Sumatran rabbit.
Long Ladeh swamp. Research and observing animals.
Cultural tourism. Looking at the Kubu tribe culture is still traditional.
Cultural attractions outside the park: Cultural Parade in November at the River Full, Malay Culture in January at Edinburgh, and Tabot Festival in June in Bengkulu.
The best visiting season: January, until October each year. 

Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

Siberut National Park

Siberut island located off the coast of West Sumatra Mentawai Strait separated and is approximately 155 km from the city of Padang. Siberut National Park, located on the island, covering 60% area covered by primary forest Dipterocarpaceae, a mixture of primary forests, wetlands, coastal forests and mangrove forests.
Forest in national parks relatively unspoiled with many large trees with an average height of 60 meters.
Siberut National Park has 4 species of primates that are not found in other regions of the world (endemic) is bokkoi (Macaca pagensis), Mentawai langur / Joja (Presbytis potenziani siberu), Bilou (Hylobates klossii), and Simakobu (Nasalis concolor siberu ). In addition, there are 4 types of squirrels are endemic, 17 species of mammals and 130 bird species (4 endemic).
Siberut island including Siberut National Park is one of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve established in Man and the Biosphere Program (MAB).
Travel to national parks in the region has not been done by many visitors and has been the main objects for visitors to the island of Siberut only to see the culture of the Mentawai people residing in and around national parks. In many ways, the Mentawai people tribes in Indonesia is still very traditional and largely embraced animism. Social activities centered around the UMA, which is a house with a king-sized and populated by 30-80 people.
A visit to the Siberut National Park is a combination trip from boating, rowing, walking on muddy paths, enjoying the natural beauty of tropical forests including the observation of plants/animals, bathing in waterfalls and directly observe the indigenous people. The trip is an unforgettable adventure. Travel to the island of Siberut, usually arranged by travel agencies from Padang and Bukit Tinggi including facility tour.
Some sites/attractions to visit:
Madobak, Rokdok, Matotonan, Rorogot, Butui, Teteburuk, Selaoinan and Mailepet: Exploring the woods, canoeing rivers, hot springs, waterfalls, marine tourism, observing animals and plants and cultural tourism (Uma homes and religious dances).
Beaches and Coastal Sagulubek Masilok. Sports, surfing and diving/snorkeling in the marine park/mangroves.
Cultural attractions outside the park: Tasa Gandang Festival in May, and Tabuik Festival in June at the Padang.
The best visiting season: January, s/d September each year.
How to reach the location: from Padang (Padang Estuary) to Muara Siberut/Sikabaluan Estuary/Estuary Saibi using ships (3 times a week) at night, ± 10 hours.

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

Great National Parks in Indonesia

Leuser Mount National Park

Leuser Mount National Park is representative of coastal forest ecosystems, and tropical rain forest lowlands to the mountains.
Almost the entire area covered by forest cover Dipterocarpaceae with several rivers and waterfalls. There is a rare and distinctive plant which leaves a giant umbrella (Johannesteijsmannia altifrons), Raflesia flowers (Rafflesia atjehensis and R. micropylora) and Rhizanthes zippelnii which is the largest flower with a diameter of 1.5 meters. In addition, there is a unique plant or plant strangler fig.
Endangered and protected animals found in national parks, among others, introspect/orangutan (Pongo abelii), gibbon (Hylobates syndactylus syndactylus), Sumatran elephant (Elephas maximus sumatranus), Sumatran rhinoceros (sumatrensis sumatrensis Dicerorhinus), Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae), forest goat (Capricornis sumatraensis), hornbill (Buceros bicornis), sambar deer (Cervus unicolor), and cats (Prionailurus sumatrana bengalensis).
Leuser Mount National Park is one established by UNESCO as a Biosphere Reserve. Based on the Indonesia-Malaysia cooperation, also designated as "Sister Park" with the State Parks National Park in Malaysia.

Some sites/attractions to visit:
Gurah. View and enjoy the scenery, valleys, hot springs, lakes, waterfalls, observing animals and plants such as flowers Raflesia, orangutans, birds, snakes and butterflies.
Bohorok. Place orangutan rehabilitation activities and natural attractions of panorama of the river, camping and bird watching.
Kluet. Boating on rivers and lakes, trekking in coastal forests and caving. This area is the habitat of the Sumatran tiger.
Sekundur. Camping, caving and observing animals.
Suak Ketambe and leatherback. The study of primates and other wildlife that comes home and library research.
Leuser mount (3404 m. Asl) and Mt. Pecan (3314 m. Above sea level). Climbing and mountain climbing.
River rafting on Alas. Rafting activities of Gurah-Muara Situlen-wave for three days.
Cultural attractions outside the Park is Lake Toba Festival in June at Lake Toba and Malay Cultural Festival in July in Medan.
The best visiting season: June until October each year.
How to reach the location: Field-Kutacane within ± 240 km or 8 hours by car, Kutacane-Gurah/Ketambe is ± 35 km or 30 minutes by car, Medan-Bohorok/Bukit Lawang is ± 60 km or one hour by car, Medan- Sei Betung/Sekundur within ± 150 km or 2 hours by car, Medan-Tapaktuan within ± 260 km or 10 minutes by car.
Enjoy it!!